21 Aug 2013

A case that where java is not case-sensitive !!

All of us know that java  is a case-sensitive language. But there is a case where java doesn't follow the case-sensitive fashion. Java is not case-sensitive when it comes to literals.
There are various types of literals-Boolean Literals, Character Literals, Integer Literals, Floating-Point Literals, String Literals, Null Literals. For example,

int  Value = 0X64;
In Integer Literals, Hexadecimal literals begin with 0x or 0X, followed by the ASCII digits zero through nine and the letters a through f (or A through F). So when we write 0X  in the place of 0x, java compiler will not generate any error.

Why Pointers Are Not Used In Java ??

The pointers aren't used in java language.The reason is that through pointers you can be able to access any memory address. So java developers wanted to have a language that should be secure and not allow anyone to deal with the addresses.That is why they didn't involve pointers in java language.
But we can't say that pointers are not used in java language at all, they can be used indirectly with the use of tools.